Minesh Bacrania

Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA


Behind the Fence:
The Manhattan Project at Los Alamos






Minesh Bacrania 

Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
505.500.4280 | minesh@bacrania.net

The Land of Poco Tiempo

Charles F. Lummis's The Land of Poco Tiempo is the story of New Mexico as Lummis found it when he moved to the territory in 1888 to recover his health. As Lummis translates the Spanish title, “poco tiempo” means “pretty soon”. The phrase expresses the lack of haste in the lives of the area's inhabitants.

- Robert E. Fleming

Introductory quote: Robert E. Fleming, "The Land of Poco Tiempo". The Literary Encyclopedia (2001). 

The Los Alamos Project

Volume 1: Dormitory

1725 17th Street, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544

The former Womens’ Army Corps (WAC) dormitory is one of the few Manhattan Project buildings remaining in Los Alamos Townsite. After World War II, the building was repurposed multiple times until 1967, when it was purchased by the Los Alamos Christian Science Society and used by their congregation until 2019.

The Los Alamos Project

Volume 2: The Real Los Alamos

None of the photos from William Eggleston’s Los Alamos were actually taken in Los Alamos, New Mexico. Here are some of mine that were.


Outtakes of/with The Assistant from various light tests, assignments, and other random adventures over the years.